Guia de Aves da Reg Bragantina

by Biosphera3D

Books & Reference


This application is an initiative of the Bird Observers Group "GOA Voando Livre" and works as a small guide to the most common bird species in the Bragantina region. In this first phase, we present 105 of the more than 350 species of birds that can be found in our region.Covering the municipalities: Atibaia, Bom Jesus dos Perdões, Bragança Paulista, Joanópolis, Nazaré Paulista, Pedra Bela, Pinhalzinho, Piracaia, Socorro, Tuiuti and Vargem.The bird songs (vocalizations) were provided by the Fonoteca Neotropical Jacques Vielliard (FNJV), from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).